Thursday, June 2, 2011

Meadow Matters

The pretty meadows filled with wild flowers and swaying grasses abound here. Wonderful colours in the fir trees along the base of the hills from brilliant acid greens of the new leaves to the darkest bluey greens in the shadows.


Unknown said...

Lovely sketch, Anita. Nice fresh greens, good shadows in those trees and I like the foreground grasses too. I really like your style, particularly how you build up the colours with hatching and let the eye do the rest :)

Anita said...

Michael - these meadows were just gorgeous. I am a country girl at heart - trapped in cities for years thanks to my husband's career. I long to live way out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by fields like these.

Unknown said...

Hi Anita. I never have and never will be a city person. Give me open space any time. It must be the Aquarian in me :)

Anita said...

HAHAHAHA - from a fellow Aquarian!

Unknown said...

And it shows! Strictly speaking, I'm a Capriquarian, born on the day that JFK was inaugarated. I read some of his speech recently, quite disturbing cold-war stuff.