Monday, June 6, 2011

Relaxin' Matters

There is something about just lying back and relaxing at the end of the day, enjoying a glass of wine and watching a good film on the idiot box. Or sitting and sketching those who are doing so!


Unknown said...

Great sketch, Anita. I like the foreshortening in this. Idiot box, never heard that one before - I like it! Did you see my humble attempt with charcoal - any advice greatly appreciated ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Anita, I sent this to to your website contact address but I don't know if that is still valid. for some strange reason your latest blogger post 'Mixed Matters' is missing from your blog. It shows up in my sidebar but not when I click to go to your blog. All of your last few posts still appear to be there. Perhaps Blogger is broken again ?

Also, I think the biography link on your website is broken - The link is which displays some weird error page from your hosting site. If you change Biography to a lower case b it works!

Thanks again for your help with charcoal techniques. I would love to be able to do charcoal drawings like those on your website.

Anita said...

Michael - I was awake at a ridiculous hour this morning and posted the post before it was ready and then had to delete it and start again - which is probably why it appeared and disappeared. Thank you for letting me know about the links on my website - I need to check it. With my lack of art work of late I had rather let it slip. Happy to help with the charcoal. If you need any more help, just say - passing on of knowledge acquired is the greatest gift.